

MENTALWORLD Creation of a Social Networking Platform for a systemic approach to Mental Health Better MH for a better society (and vice versa) Overview Definitions«Mental health” is more than the mere lack of mental disorders. The positive dimension of mental health is stressed in WHO’s definition of health as contained in its constitution: Health is […]


Chapter 1 – Mental Health Facts

A.1 The Global Mental Health context Before COVID-19 emerged, statistics on mental health conditions (including neurological and substance use disorders, suicide risk and associated psychosocial and intellectual disabilities) were already stark: Depression affects 264 million people in the world. As many as 450 million people suffer from a mental or behavioural disorder. Nearly 1 million […]


Chapter 2 – A Metaphor

We could liken the area of Mental Health to a train station: Thousands of people are coming, thousands are on the trains, thousands have disembarked. And a number of people who became disabled or lost their lives in a train accident. The millions of people who are not expected to travel are not included in […]


Chapter 3 – Where does Mental health train go?

We used the rail transport metaphor for no other reason than to make it easier for us to consider Mental Health as a system. Following the above mapping we can create a first (chaotic, unclassified,and indicative only) list of involved factors or related situations (properties, entities and processes): Citizen, future affected, mental health services users, […]


Chapter 4 – From “Social Space” to the “System”

A.         A “system” is a complex information structure, with this information content potentially expressed materially and spatially, consisting of multiple building blocks that are autonomous, with individual identities and behaviors, but interact closely with each other. The simplest definition of a system is a network of interacting variables. This means that any change to any […]


Chapter 5 – A Social network for and of Mental Health

Why not a group(s) at the existing social media? It is obvious that the possibility of elaborating, developingand implementing such a process is made possible by the existing communication and networking technologies. Orientation towards the use of existing universal social networks would lead to the perpetuation of fragmentation as we would seek Mental Health as […]


Chapter 6 – MentalWorld (MW) Features

Concerning the strict technology aspect, MW must follow and incorporate the state-of-the-art features on social networking platforms: Home / News: Displays posts, photos, files, videos, and maps posted by friends / followers, as well as history filters, watch / friend suggestions, and a list of user activities. User Timeline: Displays the user profile with posts, […]


Chapter 7 – Is that all? How do we handle data?

But the imprint of each individual or collective access and use is in itself a rich material.A structured, protected and permanently linked framework can create a background for collecting and processing information that to date remains fragmented, not accessible or static, that is, not updated or correlated.   This fragmentation has been recognized by the […]


Chapter 8 – MentalWorld and Covid-19

The MENTALWORLD initiative is not an opportunistic one.The ongoing pandemic has not created any new elements in the field of Mental Health either in the form of specific symptoms / disorders or in the form of new therapeutic approaches.However, its spread has a particularly important contribution to the understanding of the operation of the field […]


Chapter 9 – Social impact of MentalWorld

The fundamental belief in the expediency of MENTALWORLD lies in its contribution to the improvement of the field of Mental Health through the following axes: Collection, creation, exploitation of data Reduction of aggravating factors Activation / coordination of wider potential Improving policies and practices Diverse support to affected individuals and groups In these terms the […]